Monday, November 18, 2019

‘Of Mice and Men’ Conflicts

     One conflict in the book is Man vs. Man, Lennie is extremely dependent on George. After Lennie’s aunt died George took Lennie in, basically as his family. Since then George has felt as if Lennie was his responsibility. I think that Lennie is extremely dependent on George, for example, in the book Curley started a fight with Lennie. Lennie was waiting for George to give him instructions for what to do. He didn’t start defending himself until George told him to. This could possibly cause future consequences because if something ever happens to George, Lennie will be completely clueless on what to do. So, I think that George needs to start teaching Lennie on how to become more independent, it would be a benefit for both of them.

     Another conflict in the book is Man vs. Man, and it is between Carlson and Candy. During the third chapter Carlson convinced Candy to let him kill his dog. This is a big turning point in Candy’s life because he said that he had the dog with him since the dog was a puppy. I think that Candy might possibly go into a dark place because he misses his dog so much. I also think that he will have a bad relationship with Carlson because to Candy he will just be known as the guy who killed his dog. If Candy is to go into a dark place I think that it will effect how he acts at work, because typically when people are sad they don’t put much effort into things and they may just want to be left alone.

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