Thursday, January 25, 2018

BlackFish Review

      I think that BlackFish was a very informative documentary.  They talked about how they would lie about people’s deaths. They would say that it was a trainer mistake or a trainer error. I don’t think that these killer whales should be kept in captivity. I also think that they should have taught the trainers what to do in a situation where there could be a frustrated whale. If they knew how to do things like that less people would have gotten hurt or killed. In the movie it said that they already knew that some of these killer whales have hurt people why would they still have kept them. I think they should let go all animals that are kept in cages.  Because just imagine what it would feel like to go from having the whole ocean to swim it to going to a small little concrete pool and have to be trained to do tricks for a show every day. In conclusion I think that Killer Whales and other animals should not be kept in pools and closed off areas.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good movie review. You included a lot of detail from the movie as well as personal opinions. Thank you for sharing your post this week .


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